Monday, July 14, 2014

Ab Roller Review

There's kind of an obsession in the US with abs. Everyone wants a small stomach and toned washboard abs. This may stem from the fact that in this country we also like greasy fast food but not its obesity effects. The biggest obstacle in the way of toned abs is simply: Crunches are hard. To be quite blunt, they suck. I'll do hundreds of push-ups, I'll run, jog, lift, I'll do anything without complaints, but throw me some crunches and I'm ready to throw in the towel. It's for this reason that companies are always churning out new devices to make ab workouts easier. One of the cheaper options is the Ab Roller with Pro assist. This one goes for about $20 - $25 and claims to make firm abs easy by isolating the abdominal muscles while eliminating back and neck strain. Additionally this comes with the "pro assist" spring, which is basically just a spring that attaches to the back of the headboard to make the movements even easier. What they don't tell you is that the Pro Assist spring is completely worthless, but more on that later. First let's look at the claims.

Easy to assemble:
It is...mostly. I set it up i about ten minutes without reading the instructions (I'm a guy.) Well, I set up everything except the stupid spring in ten minutes. It took me a lot longer to figure out the pro assist part because it's a retarded design that can't be physically attached the way they tell you to.
Isolates abs and eliminates neck and back strain:
Well, it does make it easier to perform crunches without placing too much pressure on the neck and back, so you can perform more reps with the ab roller.
Pro assist spring ads a boost to your workout, cushions the neck, and adds fun to any exercise:
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! If you call having a limp spring that frequently falls out of place under your head while you do crunches fun, then yeah. If having an unstable piece of metal wobbling under you throwing of your balance somehow helps in your workout, I don't understand how. This is probably the dumbest thing I've ever pulled out of a box.
Final Verdict: The Pro Assist part is a waste of material, but the ab roller itself has some value. This is not a miracle machine; you still have to work to see results, but if you hate regular crunches or have back problems, this may be a good $25 investment.

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