Episode 13 was clearly an attempt to win back those who have complained about the show being to slow with not enough action. It was reminiscent of Carol's Rambo-esqe Wolf killing episode a few seasons back. This episode seemed to be all about action. Much of the episode was like watching a war movie, which of course was the point. This episode was designed to really sell the war between Rick and the Saviors. As the battle raged on, we were shown the huge body count and the severity of this battle. The problem here was that the idea did not play out as well due to some directorial choices which left viewers to scratch their head. On several occasions groups on one side or the other would fire fully automatic weapons into a crowd of their enemies. It appeared, however, that those firing had attended the stormtrooper academy and could not actually hit very many people right in front of them with a machine gun. For the action scenes to really work, you had to turn your brain off a little bit.
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What really stood out more than the action was the subtle but important character development. Carol started to open up just in time for tragedy to strike yet again. Morgan is trying to keep it together, and Henry is becoming the sociopath that everyone expected Carl to be after the prison. Amid all the violence and chaos, there was actual emotion in the storytelling which made it feel more important. Furthermore, The part comic readers had been awaiting played out excellently on the small screen. When the Saviors launched their secret weapon, it turned into an unnerving and gory tribute to zombie films of the past. Overall, this episode showed us that The Walking Dead could still make us feel, and make us jump. This is The series at the best it has been for quite some time, not close to reviling its own hay day, but a far step up from its lowest points. Let's hope The show keeps moving in the right direction.