Thursday, March 22, 2018

1UP Bodyweight Ultimate Hanging Resistance Sling Trainer Review

Body weight training is one of the best ways to increase strength, build muscle, burn fat and strengthen your core. Push ups, pull ups, planks all use body weight resistance. Suspension body weight trainers offer more versatility in your workouts. With a variety of workout options, suspension training devices are one of the best options for a home gym that will provide all around workouts to meet your fitness goals.

How do BodyWeight Sling Trainers Work"

These devices basically consist of straps that can be connected to an X-Mount on a wall or ceiling or over a closed door. At the other end, the straps feature handle bars or foot loops, often interchangeable, to allow an assortment of exercises like chest flys, suspension pushups, etc.

Benefits of Bodyweight sling trainers?

These types of trainers are great because they are versatile, lightweight, easy to set up and take up little space. They are like a home gym that you can take anywhere. They are low cost and do not require a lot of extra parts and additional purchases. Bodyweight training is among the best types of exercise for overall fitness and health and sling trainers make it easy to perform an array of these exercises in your own home or on the go.

Is the 1UP Bodyweight Ultimate Hanging Resistance Sling Trainer Worth Buying?

This particular trainer is good but not necesarily great. At the time of writing, this product is listed on Amazon for $49.95 which is not bad, but it feels a bit like you should get more for your 50 bucks. The design is good. It seems strong and functional. The hand grips are wide and comfortable. It does what it is supposed to do. It comes with a carry bag, a downloadable workout guide, and a one-year warranty.

The biggest issue is that this item is more limited than other similar devices. It does not have the attachments and adjustability that similar items have, so you can do less with it. If you are primarily looking to do upper body work (pushups, flys) this is a great tool to increase strength, but if you want more flexibility in your workout, you can find better--although it will likely cost you more. Also, taking a look at the handfull of Amazon reviews, it seems some of the glowing reviews are kind of suspect. If a company employs fake reviewers, it calls the product quality itself into question. Overall this is a good product if you are not expecting too much.


If the 1UP Bodyweight Ultimate Hanging Resistance Sling Trainer isn't the one for you but you want to try out body weight training, their are a lot of alternatives out there.

The TRX Training - Suspension Trainer Basic Kit costs significantly more than the 1up but gives you a lot more options, a full workout plan, and a better value for those who take their training seriously.

The Bodyweight Fitness Resistance Trainer kit from Intent Sports is actually cheaper than the 1up and features a 12 week workout plan and a design for "full body exercise" instead of just upper body.

The Ultimate Body Press Bodyweight Resistance Trainer is about the same price as the 1up, but offers more customization for your workout and ultimately a better value.

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