Monday, November 29, 2021

Agobi Herbal Test Support Review

You may have seen the Agobi Herbal Test Support supplement on Amazon here. This type of product can be great for all-over health and wellness, however, that doesn't mean this brand is the best. Is it worth buying?


Benefits of Herbal Test Supplements

Testosterone boosters can improve health in a variety of ways. Benefits may include:

  • Increased energy
  • Muscle growth
  • Better sleep
  • Improved sexual health
  • Improved mood
While increases in testosterone can have a positive impact on health, using unsafe drugs to boost the hormone can be very dangerous. One benefit of herbal supplements is that they are considered a natural way to boost test levels without as much risk.  

Agobi Herbal Test Support Review

There are two things that jump out when first laying eyes on this product. The price and the packaging. This product is significantly cheaper than many of its competitors. As far as the packaging, the big hulking brute turning a barbell into a pretzel is a bit of a red flag. Good products don't have to try so hard.

As it turns out, these two factors are a pretty good indicator of what you can expect. The product itself does not seem to be especially effective compared to other products tested. The much lower price appears to be a "You get what you pay for" situation. The cheesy packaging also reflects the quality you can expect. This one is a pass for us.

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Best Alcohol-Free New Year's Eve Activities

New Year's Eve is almost synonymous with drinking. What about those who want to ring in the new year without the alcohol? Let's look at some options for New Year's fun without the booze.

Party Games
New years eve doesn't have to be about drinking, but it is a time for fun and celebration. Here are some games to enjoy with family and friends.


It's hard these days to socialize with people because nowadays everyone is always on their phone. That's the beauty of this game. Players compete in each round to pull up the best/funniest/most entertaining thing from their smartphone. In each round a prompt card sends players searching for the best meme, selfie, emoji, etc. The player with the most points wins the game.

Heads Up

Another good smartphone party game, heads up is an app from Ellen Degeneres that brings laughs and clean fun to your party. Each player holds their phone against their forehead displaying a word or phrase to the other players. If you can guess the word or phrase based on your friend's clues, you win. It's very simple but very fun and free to download with the option to purchase expansion decks.

Evil Apples

Like Cards Against Humanity, this is a card game for adults only and not for overly sensitive people. The Central difference is that evil apples is a free app rather than a physical card game. A card is drawn that begins a phrase or asks a question. Each player plays their funniest or most messed up card to finish the sentence. One player acts as judge and selects a winner for the round. This game is loads of twisted fun and can be downloaded as a free app. If you are more interested in a traditional hard copy card game, you can grab Cards Against Humanity from Amazon.

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Netflix binge-athon

Say goodbye to the old by watching a collection of classic movies. Ring in the new by starting a new series (Recommendation: Disenchantment.) Invite your friends for the last movie night of the year.

Get a Jump Start on the new year by learning something new

Take an art class and create something personal for you and your loved ones to remember forever. Go to a fitness boot camp and get started on that new body you are planning for next year. (Many gyms have specials going on this time of year.)

End the year and start the new one on a positive note by helping others. Donate your time at a local shelter to help someone else get the new year off to a good start or maybe just help your friends who are out on the town get safely home. Nothing beats the feeling of helping someone in need.

Do you have any great ideas for an alcohol free New Years? Comment below.

Sunday, July 22, 2018

Unfriended: Darkweb Review: An Insult To Audiences

The Unfriended Darkweb plot had a ton of potential, but ultimately failed to deliver. The thing that made this movie potentially terrifying was the reality aspect. The fact that there really is a dark web and there really are horrible people doing horrible things for their own entertainment makes the film idea particularly unnerving. One thing the film did very well to Capitalize on this was the use of real life web applications. Nothing quite takes you out of the story like hearing characters say "Let me search moogle." or "I need to check my FacePage." Using relatable real world technology creates a realism important for this type of film.

The producers were clearly trying to make Darkweb feel real and make it a "scary because it's true" type of movie, but it didn't work. An abundance of nonsense teamed with lazy writing destroyed the realism the first half tried so hard to create.

Spoilers ahead ...

The biggest issue with Unfriended Darkweb is not exclusive to this film but a problem for horror films in general. The problem is they are all the same. A group of people gets terrorized by someone or something and each one is picked off until they are all dead...the end. Knowing that their is a single formula and one possible outcome eliminates suspense for the audience.

Some films allow for a little more suspense as the typical 'everyone dies' ending is merely an assumption and not a guarantee. Darkweb, however, sets up a story with only one possible end. The fact that the evil at work in this story is an unseen secret society of master hackers who know everything about our characters and can track them wherever they go means that there is no possibility for escape. This is not Jason with a machete and maybe you can outrun him. This is an inevitable death for all of the characters involved. By making the end so clear cut and unavoidable the filmmakers have removed all suspense from the story, all mystery and any real interest in what happens next. It is less of a story and more of a televised execution.

While this film was not horrible like some Netflix horror fair, it just wasn't good. There were no real surprises and the attempts to create interesting turns often made little sense and were insulting to the intelligence of the audience. If you really want to watch Unfriended Darkweb, you would be better off to save your money and wait for it to hit TV or streaming. This one is not worth the price of admission.

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Greenlight pix Review. Legit or Scam?

Greenlight pix is a website which offers amateur screenwriters or those with ideas to pitch the opportunity to submit their series idea for review. It claims to be "the future of TV." The entertainment industry is extremely difficult to get into and aspiring creators are always looking for a way in. The offer of this website certainly catches the attention of those looking for success in TV, but is Greenlightpix legit?

If you do a google search of where to pitch a tv series idea or submit a script you will find that opportunities are scarce. For screenwriters, most of what you will find are screenwriting contests which require payment of an entry fee. Amazon Studios offered free hosting of scripts submitted by anyone at any level, but they ended their unsolicited script and pitch program in 2018 leaving creators and writers with even less options for getting their ideas out there.

Greenlight pix has emerged as an option for those looking for a low risk option to get their pitch out there and seen and possibly picked up. Of course it would be great to have your idea become a hit TV series, but is it likely? Is this website going to launch you into fame and success as a producer on the next big series? Probably not. That's not to say that it is a bad option for pitching your idea, but it's important to be realistic and understand that there is a ton of competition out there and no matter the path you take, the numbers are not on your side. That said, If you are passionate about your project and want to give it a try, you should. If you are ready to submit your idea, let's review and see if Greenlight is right for you.

Greenlight pix review. What is it? How does it work?

First of all, this is not a website to submit TV scripts. This is completely pitch based. No script submission, just your description of your idea. for some screenwriters this is very challenging as they like their scripts to speak for themselves and find the description difficult. for others the pitch aspect is simple and allows them to explain the project with the passion of the creator. Either way, you have to be good at creating an engaging pitch. If readers are bored or confused by your pitch, they will not read your script or create a script for production based on your pitch. The nice thing about this website is that it is very simple. After registering with your email address you can quickly submit your pitch. once you join the community, you are able to submit ideas and rate other's submissions. This is the idea behind Greenlight pix, a community of people who can rate projects fro "Definitely wouldn't watch" to "Definitely would watch." Ideally you get enough high ratings to get the green light for a full treatment. If this happens, you receive $100 and the potential that your series could be developed and produced leading to a lot more money and your ticket to Hollywood. But before you get too excited, lets ask a few more questions.

Is Greenlight pix a scam?

Greenlight pix is not overtly a scam, and seems as though it has good intentions. It is a good option for those asking where to pitch a TV script idea. It does not cost you any money to join or pitch and does not have the typical earmarks of an internet scam promising you the world for a low fee. This does not mean, however, that no care should be taken to protect yourself and your work when using the site.

Other Considerations

The idea behind Greenlight pix is a good one, but it is problematic. Community voting is good, but the community is primarily made up of people trying to get their idea to TV, and quite frankly, they don't care about yours. Furthermore, the simplicity of signing up and using the site allows for a lot of very low quality submissions which will drive a lot of quality reviewers away. There are several "pitches" on the site that are simply copyright infringement pitching shows that already exist or that utilize established characters owned by others. Quality is definitely an issue which also makes it more difficult for those who work hard to get their ideas heard.


If you don't have money or connections to get your work to the right desk, Greenlight Pix is a good option to get your name and your work out there but don't expect too much. As it stands, it's a good idea that needs improvement. It's likely that in the future the service will change to weed out some of those taking up space with intellectual property theft and poor grammar while making it easier for talented creators to get there work seen. Keep an eye on this one.

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Bissell Power Lifter Deep Cleaner review

Bissell Carpet cleaners have always had a lot of strengths, along with a few weak areas. The Power Lifter Deep Cleaner model improves on some of the old design while still suffering some of the same shortcomings of its predecessors.

The biggest and most welcome innovation in this model is the split tank design. This means that the clean water and dirty water are in separate sides of the same tank so that there is only one tank to remove and replace.

Previous models had a separate fill and empty tank, each with their own flaws. The clean tank fit snug against the back of the unit and had to be pulled straight up to remove. This process was almost impossible at times due to the poor design. The dirty water tank had a bad habit of overflowing with shampoo bubbles spitting them onto the floor you just cleaned.

Even with these problems, Bissell has historically made some of the best carpet cleaners in terms of effectiveness. The Power Lifter Deep Cleaner does Cary on this tradition while also fixing some of the problems with older models. On the downside, the design seems to have a smaller capacity for cleaning mixture or perhaps uses the mixture faster so it cleans a fairly small area before having to stop and refill.


Effective cleaner

Improved design

Easy to use


Only able to clean a small area at a time

A bit pricey for a spot cleaner

Overall this is a decent product. It has some problems, but Bissell's lack of competition in the game means this is probably the best you will find in this price range.

Sunday, April 8, 2018

V3 Original Weight Management Formula Review

What is V3 Original Weight Management Formula?

This product is a weight loss supplement from a somewhat sketchy company called Vfinity. The company is geared toward marketing and sales more than product quality and health. That's where the first red flags come into play. Vfinity seems like an advertising agency that sells nutrition products rather than a nutrition company. Nevertheless, V3 is a product that claims to help users decrease fat and suppress apatite to aid in keeping the pounds off.

V3 Ingredients

Ingrediants include: B-phenylethylamine (a natural compound acting as a stimulant for the central nervous system) [1], 2-amino-4-methylpentane (Stimulant similar to DMAA) [2], Chromium, methyltheophylline (more stimulant), hordenine HCL, caffeine anhydrous (158mg), octopamine and cha de bugre.

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Does V3 Original Weight Management Formula Work?

The science behind this product says "kind of." the thing is stimulants and thermogenics do have documented history of success in weight loss. Several of the other ingredients in this product lack scientific research to back their effectiveness. It seems that this could have a positive effect on weight loss, but likely less than what the company indicates.

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How to Use V3 Original Weight Management Formula

From the Company Website: "Take two (2) capsules daily early morning or early afternoon, or two hours after a meal, with (8) ounces of water. For additional energy, an additional two (2) capsules may be taken. Do not exceed four (4) capsules per day. Avoid taking after 4:00 PM to ensure proper sleep. [3]

V3 Original Weight Management Formula Product Warnings

This product is not intended for children, pregnant women or those who could become pregnant. It is important to check this product for interactions with other medications or possible complications with existing health issues.

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Is V3 Original Weight Management Formula Safe?

2-amino-4-methylpentane, hordenine HCL and B-phenylethylamine all have stimulant properties which could cause health issues for some people. Chromium presents potential health risks for diabetics, and many of the ingredients have not been sufficiently studied and evaluated for effectiveness and safety. This product is not necessarily unsafe, but there are some areas of concern and it would be wise to consult a health care professional before taking this or any other similar product.

V3 Original Side Effects

2-amino-4-methylpentane found in V3 Original Weight Management Formula is a potentially dangerous substance which can cause blood vessels to constrict and can cause an increase in heart rate. This ingredient works like a stimulant and caries with it the potential side effects of stimulant use. This product could cause increased blood pressure, rapid heartbeat, tremors and anxiety. It is also worth noting that 2-amino-4-methylpentane is very similar to the substance DMAA which is banned by the FDA. B-phenylethylamine is also a stimulant and as such could cause mild side effects. Chromium is mostly safe but has a potential effect on blood sugar levels and could be problematic for people with diabetic or other blood sugar issues. hordenine HCL is a stimulant with potential fat burning properties but the chemical compound can also create a false positive for opiates on a drug test.

V3 Lawsuits

There are currently (at the time of writing) no lawsuits against the makers of V3 Original for any harm done by the product.

Where to by V3 Supplements

This product seems to be only available from the company's official site for a hefty $70 per 30 day supply.

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Overall: Should You Buy?

In reality this seems to be pretty far from being the worst product out there for weight loss. Diet products are often over priced, ineffective and unsafe. This particular item seems to have a little more care put into its production to limit some of the worse side effects seen in similar products. It also has a little less filler nonsense than some supplements in the game. There are, however, still some potential risks with this product and some ingredients that lack scientific study. In the end, V3 just doesn't offer enough to justify the big price tag. We recommend giving this one a pass.


Monday, March 26, 2018

Walking Dead Season 8 Episode 13 Review

The Walking Dead has been on uneven footing for quite some time. One big problem is that the producers don't seem to be able to decide whether they want to bring the group back together and return to the original appeal of the show, or if they want to "Shake things up" and go in a bold new direction. The result has been disappointment from viewers ranging from boredom feeling as though the series has become stale to mourning what the show once was and hating the changes.

Episode 13 was clearly an attempt to win back those who have complained about the show being to slow with not enough action. It was reminiscent of Carol's Rambo-esqe Wolf killing episode a few seasons back. This episode seemed to be all about action. Much of the episode was like watching a war movie, which of course was the point. This episode was designed to really sell the war between Rick and the Saviors. As the battle raged on, we were shown the huge body count and the severity of this battle. The problem here was that the idea did not play out as well due to some directorial choices which left viewers to scratch their head. On several occasions groups on one side or the other would fire fully automatic weapons into a crowd of their enemies. It appeared, however, that those firing had attended the stormtrooper academy and could not actually hit very many people right in front of them with a machine gun. For the action scenes to really work, you had to turn your brain off a little bit.

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What really stood out more than the action was the subtle but important character development. Carol started to open up just in time for tragedy to strike yet again. Morgan is trying to keep it together, and Henry is becoming the sociopath that everyone expected Carl to be after the prison. Amid all the violence and chaos, there was actual emotion in the storytelling which made it feel more important. Furthermore, The part comic readers had been awaiting played out excellently on the small screen. When the Saviors launched their secret weapon, it turned into an unnerving and gory tribute to zombie films of the past. Overall, this episode showed us that The Walking Dead could still make us feel, and make us jump. This is The series at the best it has been for quite some time, not close to reviling its own hay day, but a far step up from its lowest points. Let's hope The show keeps moving in the right direction.